Mind-Seal of the Buddhas

Patriarch Ou-i's Commentary on the 
Amitabha Sutra

Translated by J.C. Cleary 
Foreword, Notes and Glossary by Van Hien Study Group

This book is a translation from the Chinese of a major commentary on theAmitabha Sutra,the key text of Pure Land Buddhism. Its author is the distinguished seventeenth century T'ien-T'ai Master Ou-i, subsequently honored as the ninth Patriarch of the Pure Land school. To our knowledge, it is the first time this work has ever been rendered into a Western language.

This is a summary of the tenth Stage of Bodhisattvas, called Cloud of Teaching... Whatever acts they undertake, whether through giving, or kind speech, or beneficial action, or cooperation, it is all never apart from thoughts of Buddha [Buddha Recitation], the Teaching, the Community (Sangha).

"The Ten Stages" Chapter,Avatamsaka Sutra